What does Trace Free Mean on Asus Monitor? [Solved]

By | September 19, 2023

A gamer’s dream is a seamless gaming experience, but tackling issues like input lag, ghost images, and paywalls can be unbelievably daunting and expensive. Asus has taken these challenges to heart and gifted us with a solution in the form of the Trace Free mode on their monitors.

You may have heard of the Trace Free setting, but perhaps you were too engrossed in your gaming to fully understand its significance. So, what exactly does Trace Free mean on a monitor?

What does Trace Free Mean on Asus Monitor

Trace-Free mode is a setting designed to eliminate or reduce image ghosting in the games you play on your PC. When playing action-packed games, the speed of input commands is too rapid for every pixel in an image to be processed accurately. Trace-Free mode steps in to reduce these input lags and presents you with little to no image ghosting.

I will provide a detailed explanation of what Trace-Free mode means on a monitor and how to leverage this feature in your favor.

What is Trace Free Mode?

Trace Free mode serves to eliminate ghosting images from your screen. When your input actions happen rapidly, your monitor might struggle to produce precise images in response to your commands. This can result in blurry pixel trails trailing behind objects or characters on the screen. Trace-Free mode is a way to rectify these disrupted images.

Whether you’re using a 60Hz or 144Hz monitor, ghosting images are a common occurrence. As increasing the monitor’s refresh rate hasn’t entirely resolved the issue, a new technology, “Trace-Free” mode, has emerged as a savior. Essentially, Trace-Free mode enhances the monitor’s ability to process inputs and commands.

How Does Trace Free Work?

Trace-Free mode operates on a technology called ‘Overdrive.’ Overdrive technology improves the response rate and processes images at the same pace as your inputs. You have control over the Trace Free mode setting, ranging from 0 to 100, allowing you to adjust it according to your needs.

At the lowest settings (0-20), Trace-Free mode may not significantly improve ghosting as expected. Conversely, at the highest settings (80-100), Trace-Free mode can perform too action for the system, resulting in visual artifacts.

Trace-Free mode’s primary aim is to depict every pixel on your monitor accurately. It achieves this by effectively capturing and processing every pixel from the image, ensuring smooth transitions from white to black and gray to gray without lag.

When you set the Trace Free mode between 0-20, the processing becomes slower, and ghosting remains noticeable. Setting it between 80-100 makes the processing too fast for the monitor to keep up, resulting in graphical artifacts, such as red lines and jittery images.

A setting within the range of 40-60 is generally considered ideal for Trace Free, suitable for most gaming scenarios.

How to Use Trace Free on Asus?

Before explaining how to use Trace Free on an Asus monitor, let me offer a disclaimer: if you’re not experiencing ghosting, it’s advisable not to use Trace-Free mode. Enabling it when unnecessary can lead to visual artifacts. Now, let’s get back to our main topic.

Almost every recent Asus monitor is equipped with Trace-Free mode. If you’ve recently built a PC, chances are high that your monitor includes this feature.

Here’s how to use Trace Free on Asus:

  • You need to access the monitor settings and press the button on your asus monitor.
  • Next, click on the image icon from the sidebar menu
  • You will see the trace free options.
  • After selecting “Trace Free,” you’ll encounter a vertical bar ranging from 0-100.
  • Choose a setting between 40 and 60 for an optimal Trace Free number.

Once you’ve followed these steps, start any game on your PC, and you’ll notice significant improvements with little to no ghost images.

Does Trace Free Impact Input Lag?

Yes, Trace-Free mode positively affects input lag, reducing it significantly. Trace-Free mode is integrated with overdrive technology, which enhances the monitor’s response time.

When you input commands through a mouse or keyboard while gaming, the system requires some time to process those inputs and display the corresponding output. This processing takes only milliseconds, and it may seem trivial to consider any lag during this short time frame.

However, for dedicated gamers, even a millisecond of lag can significantly impact the gaming experience. Trace-Free mode, with its overdrive technology, effectively minimizes these milliseconds of input lag, creating a fantastic gaming environment.

How to Eliminate Ghosting?

Here are some techniques to eliminate ghosting:

a) Change Cables:

Start with the simplest solution by checking and replacing old or tangled monitor cables. I is not the primary cause of ghosting, it’s always wise to begin with the basics.

b) Sync FPS with Refresh Rate:

Some monitors offer advanced settings that allow you to synchronize the FPS (frames per second) with the refresh rate. Adjusting both to a specific value (e.g., 60) can noticeably reduce ghosting.

c) Update Graphics Driver:

You must ensure your graphics card driver is up to date. While it’s less likely to be the cause of ghosting, it is keeping your drivers current is essential for optimal performance.

d) Check Video Port:

It’s possible that the issue lies not with the monitor’s cable but with the video port itself. Test the cable on another monitor to rule out cable-related problems, and if the issue persists, consider replacing the port.

e) Change the Monitor:

If none of the above solutions resolve the ghosting problem, consider upgrading to a newer Asus monitor or one equipped with advanced technologies to mitigate ghosting.

What Happens Without Trace Free Mode?

If your monitor is not an Asus model, you won’t have access to the Trace-Free mode. Does that mean you’re stuck with ghosting images? Not necessarily. Monitors with Vsync technology can also reduce image processing time effectively.

In conclusion, understanding what Trace Free means on a monitor and how to use it effectively can significantly enhance your gaming experience by minimizing ghosting and reducing input lag. Asus monitors provide this valuable feature, but remember to use it judiciously to avoid graphical artifacts and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

FAQs –

Trace Free Meaning –

“Trace Free” is a monitor feature, often found in Asus monitors, that minimizes ghosting by adjusting pixel response time, resulting in smoother visuals, particularly beneficial for gaming.

Question: What does trace free do on an ASUS monitor?

Answer: Trace Free on an ASUS monitor is a setting that controls pixel response time, aiming to reduce ghosting or motion blur in fast-paced applications like gaming. It allows you to adjust how quickly pixels change colors to improve image quality during rapid movements on the screen.

Question: What is the best trace free setting for ASUS?

Answer: The best Trace Free setting for an ASUS monitor depends on your preferences and the specific application. Generally, a setting between 40-60 is considered ideal for most scenarios, offering a balance between reducing ghosting and minimizing artifacts.

Question: What does trace free setting do?

Answer: The Trace Free setting on a monitor adjusts pixel response time. It controls how fast pixels change colors, helping reduce ghosting, which is the appearance of faint trails or artifacts behind fast-moving objects on the screen, especially in activities like gaming.

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